Well shit, it’s 2024.  

You might find yourself beginning this week by setting resolutions for the year.  

And if you’ve been here for a while, you know how much I dislike “resolutions” and the hustle-and-hype culture that surrounds them.

If you’re like me, then you may be looking for an alternative plan.

I’ve got you covered.

New year.  Same you.

In this world that encourages constant change and reinvention, unabashedly and unapologetically owning your truest, most colorful self can be the ultimate act of self-improvement.

Here’s why celebrating “Same You” can be the revolution you’ve been waiting for.

Your genuine advantage

In a world that glorifies perfection, honestly being who you are is a relief.  Instead of some idealized or aspirational version of yourself, you can relish the value and impact of who you are.  If you’re constantly reaching for something that feels just-beyond-your-fingers – or if you’re constantly holding yourself to some expectation that makes you feel like you’re wearing a sweater that shrank in the dryer – you’ll feel better doing what feels right. And that will build more meaningful relationships.  You’ll find it’s easier to get things done that really matter to you.  Besides: being who you are instead of who you think they want you to be is peak glitterbomb behavior.  No one is perfect and it’s time to celebrate that.

Evolution, not reinvention

You can’t make plans for change if you haven’t stopped and really given some thought to what got you to this moment: the good and the challenging.  You don’t have to leave behind who you were at 11:59pm on December 31st in order to grow into whatever’s next for you.  Rather than setting unrealistic, fad-driven resolutions centered on drastic transformation, focus on two or three areas gives you the space to thoughtfully identify where you want to evolve.  Shift your I Wants to aspirations that really align with who you are and (then) what you want, without the pressure of external expectations.  You’re a work-in-progress, on your own schedule.  By deliberately, radically accepting where you’re at can support you in shaping this next year in a way that enhances who you are in your soul.

Self-compassion is self-care

Be kind to yourself, especially in moments of self-doubt or setbacks.  Your worth isn’t based on meeting someone else’s expectations of you.  Your worth certainly isn’t valued by accomplishments that feel contrary to how you want to operate within your skin and throughout your life.  [That is the truest pitfall of drastic resolutions – you won’t feel good about them because they didn’t actually derive from what makes you, you.] Self compassion = self acceptance = resilience.  The more you accept and celebrate who you are, the rest of the world can’t help but follow suit.  

You’re fantastic.  A force to be reckoned with.  Perfect in your imperfections.  Brilliant.  Prismatic.  Important.

If there’s room for softened edges or course recalibrations, by all means make the time for it.  But don’t overhaul who you are just because you feel like you have to.  “New year, same you” is a battle cry for growth, exploration, and embracing the incredible glitterbomb you already are.  

May 2024 be a year filled with the joy of being all of you, every damn day.


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